Sunday, December 26, 2021

Day 30: Auckland Central to Ambury Park (20km, 6 hours)

I've been debating how to continue numbering the days of my Te Araroa hike. Should I start again and call this Day 1? But, I've already had a Day 1, back at Cape Reinga last year. Or maybe I should continue with my previous numbering and add the 346 or so rest days I've had since arriving home last January, and call this Day 375? But the numbers start to get rather meaningless that way.

Back in January I hobbled back into Auckland on Day 28 of my Te Araroa; let's add a token rest day to represent the break I've taken since then. That would make today Day 30. It's as if most of this year didn't happen. Sounds good to me.

This morning was very surreal. Paul and I had breakfast, and I finished my final pack. It really didn’t feel like I was about to leave, until I said goodbye to Rocco. Yes, there were tears…

Bye Rocco! 

My 10am pic. Picking up the trail where I finished in January - at my front door.

Paul and I headed off at 10am - he walked along K Rd with me, as far as the domain. Then, more goodbyes. And yes, more tears. Even though I’d be seeing him tonight!

Goodbyes are hard!

Bye again!

Looking back at Paul heading home.  You can just see his cap behind a car as he disappears out of sight.

The Te Araroa trail follows the Auckland coast-to-coast walk - to Mt Eden, through the university campus where I trained as a teacher, around One Tree Hill, and down to Onehunga.

The view from Mt Eden

The first of very many selfies!

The last view of our apartment (centre of shot)

Next stop - One Tree Hill. 

I somehow managed to take a wrong turn going through the teachers training college, but the TA app (and a friendly lady) pointed me in the right direction. 

The TA trail doesn’t officially go up to the top of One Tree Hill - but it’s only a 20 min detour, so why not.

Going up…

Where I’ve come from…

… and where I’m going.

Time for a cheese and tomato sandwich under a tree in Cornwall Park.

After One Tree Hill, the road led down through Royal Oak, detouring past Onehunga to the Manukau Harbour. 

HOW am I expected to know to go down here? No signs at all - the TA app saved my bacon again.

Oh, a sign. FINALLY!

The route followed along the Manakau Harbour shoreline to Mangere Bridge (the new one), where there is a walkway underneath.

Under the motorway…

Then once over the bridge in Mangere, it was a long slog along Kiwi Esplanade, along the shore, until Ambury Park. The route was lovely, but it was searingly hot by now - Paul told me later 28 degrees! So it was head down until I arrived at Ambury Park - a regional park area with a working farm and campgrounds.

Sheepsies! They also have cows, bulls, goats, chickens, 2 draft horses, and lots of noisy pukekos.

I found the campsite - some other holiday makers but not too busy - set up my tent, had a quick shower, then phoned Paul, who arrived at 5pm with a picnic dinner!

Caesar salad, Christmas ham, and my favourite craft beer 😛. 

Paul trying out my tent. I don’t think this is encouraging him to take up camping…

After Paul left, I walked back around the foreshore for 20 minutes - partly to check it out, but mostly because I realised I’d missed a small part of the official TA route in my rush to get to the campsite and out of the sun. 

Looking back over the Manakau Harbour - my last view of One Tree Hill.

So, I survived Day 1! (I mean, Day 30). I’m tired, but actually it went very well. Of course, it was easy underfoot, not too far (comparatively), and my pack has little food in it so was only 12kg, but it’s been a good start. My only concern is my left Achilles, which is the one I’ve been worried about - it’s feeling tender and is making me nervous. But, nothing to do but rest it up and hope for the best. Off to bed!

My route today (the blue dot is me now). Thanks again, TA Trail App!



  1. Bon Voyage, Simon. You're on your way. Good luck with everything.
    Love from Mum and Dad xx

  2. I'm with you all the way Simon. While you may not have a destination, you have a goal. Mark H

    1. Thanks Mark! Good to have your company as I trudge along :)
