Friday, December 31, 2021

Day 35: Rangiriri to Huntly (17km, 5 hours)

This morning I woke up with stiff muscles, sore achilles, and still exhausted. Just as well today's hike is my shortest so far. And only three more day's walking until I get a rest day in Hamilton - I think I’ll need it!

I had a leisurely late start today, and took the chance to finish off yesterday’s blog before having breakfast. The tavern is old and ramshackle, and breakfast was very basic, but I appreciated it.

A good kiwi breakfast

I remember last year up north, leaving each place was always a bit emotional, and I always took the time to say goodbye. I think it was because I was far from home, and passing through new places I may never see again. It hasn’t been like that so far this time - these are places I’ve driven past many times before, and I’ve been walking away each day without a second thought. I was contemplating this as I headed off just before 10am. 

10am pic: crossing to the west side of the Waikato, over Rangiriri Bridge

Wise words, at the end of the bridge

Today’s hike was a breeze compared to yesterday. Basically this was a simple hike most of the way to Huntly, along a stopbank on the west side of the Waikato, through farmland. Navigation was easy, just keep walking from field to field and look out for the frequent stiles with orange arrows. The only issue was dodging the herds of cattle.

Very curious cows 

…and more cows. Apparently some aggressive jersey bulls often graze here too, though luckily not today.

Passing through the Huntly golf course. Sadly the clubhouse wasn’t open for lunch today.

Well, this is the Waikato after all. I had a good chat with the ginger cow, I think we bonded. 

I think in recent days my mind has been preoccupied with practical matters as I’ve been walking - navigation, traffic, bodily aches puffing up hills, etc. Today I didn’t have to worry much about anything apart from cows, so my mind wandered a lot. I don’t listen to music while I hike, but songs and other thoughts do pop into my mind frequently and randomly. Here’s a selection of what was playing in my mind today:
  • Humming to random songs - Blondie (Call Me) and Weezer (Hash Pipe - why??)
  • Muttering about various regrets, embarrassments and frustrations - I guess these solo hikes are a good time to get the bad thoughts out.
  • Trying to recall my psychotherapy training and attempting some self-psychoanalysis for a while.
  • Back to some more obscure music - Cosmograf (The Man Left In Space) and Porcupine Tree (Time Flies, and others)
  • Etc
My mind is complicated.

Anyway, it was about now I realised my TA app and notes were telling me to go somewhere impossible - through a marsh full of thigh-deep clinging vines. I’ve worked out now that the TA app and trail notes occasionally diverge from the real life path. It was time to focus on navigation again.

I think my expression says it all. Time to stop the madness, and go back to look for an orange marker. 

10 minutes of scrambling later, I was back on track. In fact the last few kilometres of the trail today were back road walking, past the Huntly power station and in to Huntly.

Passing Huntly power station 

A sculpture near the power station - I think it symbolises the 1995 Waikato-Tainui treaty settlement

Crossing back to the east side of the river, over a railway bridge

Ham roll and custard pie for lunch in Huntly, en route to my campsite 

After detouring an extra 1km north of Huntly town, I was finally at the Lake Hakanoa Holiday Park, a little before 3pm. They even had a spare cabin - only $20 for TA walkers - so I didn’t even need to put up the tent. Luxury!

My cute little cabin

The rest of the afternoon I spent resting up, walking back into town for provisions, and doing my blog. The caravan park isn’t busy, but there are some permanent residents here who I have been warned are planning to have a new year’s eve drinking session close to my cabin. So I’m preparing for a noisy evening (they’ve just started played Abba!). I suspect though I’m going to be asleep quite early. 

Happy New Year’s Eve everyone! See you all in 2022.

Today’s route.


  1. Happy New Year, Simon! Meeting up with Paul in Hamilton? Safe travels from us both. Xx

    1. Thanks, and happy new year to you both too! Yes, I’ll see Paul tomorrow - he’s heading home from Napier so we should both be in Hamilton early afternoon. Xx

  2. Thanks, happy new year to you Wayne and Havana too! X

  3. Happy New Year Simon. Enjoying the blog and that custard pie looks pretty darn good.

  4. Belated Happy New Year Simon. I'm catching up. How's bird song to keep you company?
