Sunday, January 15, 2023

Day 66: Hipango Park to Whanganui (26km, 6.5 hours)

Today is my last day!

I didn't sleep that well overnight - probably the lingering effects of Pink Floyd and manuka honey. But also the fact that I needed to be up by 4:30am. The 20km river journey today was tidal, so we needed to leave at 5:30am to catch the outgoing tide. The campsite and river were shrouded in mist when I woke - my headlamp wasn't working for some reason, so I packed up and carried the barrels carefully down the hill mostly in the dark.

A misty start

Getting ready to depart from Hipango Park wharf

And we're off!

A boat selfie

The paddle today was serene. There were no rapids at all - the mist lingered for a long while, the river was glassy, and we were being helped by the outgoing tide. Most of the time Jonnie and I paddled in silence, just the sound of the water and the occasional geese. We could see increasing signs of civilisation as we approached Whanganui - some traffic noises, more buildings, even a rowing race on the river. By 8:30am, we were at the Whanganui Holiday Park, which officially marks the end of our canoe journey.

We took a while packing our gear out of the barrels and back into our backpacks, and saying goodbye to our trusty canoe, which we left at the prearranged place for the company to pick up later. And while we were doing that, who did we see but Chris and Lynne! They'd made it here safely yesterday (though very late), and had booked a cabin at the holiday park for the night.

A final round of goodbyes - this time, for real. Chris and Lynn would be heading direct to Wellington in a few days to make a start on the South Island; and Jonnie would be continuing the TA hike south, through Palmerston North and towards the Tararua ranges. Jonnie noted that there weren't many people she could share a canoe with for 5 days - I take that as high praise. Thanks Jonnie, likewise! This has been a memorable leg of the trip, it's been great sharing it with you.

Packing up the canoe

Saying goodbye to Jonnie (aka Windmill)

…and goodbye to Lynne and Chris (aka Jones and Jonesy)

All that was left was the final 6km walk into the centre of Whanganui, and my trip would be over. It was good to get the backpack on for one last time. The road continued to follow the river to town, and by midday I was there.

Hear the one about the constipated maths teacher? He worked it out with a pencil

The centre of Whanganui, and the official end of my trip

A celebratory mochaccino. Victory! (and, relief!)

It was a strange feeling to finally stop. I think in my mind I'd already said my goodbyes to the TA over the last few days - in the campsite at Ngaporo, and then later watching Chris and Lynne disappear down the river from Hipango Park. So my feelings were mixed - it was good to stop, but bittersweet that I wasn't continuing on.

A familar face passing by! Nici was a fellow hiker from Taumaranui through to Tongariro. She wanted to know if I had a song for this trip - yes I do! 

I was staying tonight with friends Janet and Brian, and Brian arrived soon after to collect me. It was lovely to see familiar faces after the last three weeks, though I had to have a shower before I could give Janet a hug - too much accumulated grime, and no towel or deodorant! Janet and Brian were wonderful - I aired my tent, washed my clothes, relaxed, chatted to Brian about the history of the Whanganui River (he was the DOC are manager along the river for some time!), and battled a cryptic crossword with Janet. Thanks so much to you both for having me stay!

It hasn't yet sunk in that my trip is over. But for now, it's been lovely catching up with Janet and Brian. 

Today’s route. The final one!


  1. Congratulations Simon on another epic leg of your walk! J&J x

    1. Thanks J&J. I made it! Yes there have been some epic moments this trip for sure. Only the bus trip now and I'll be back home...
