Friday, December 29, 2023

Day 70: Bulls to Fielding (23km, 5.5 hours)

Jo warned me yesterday that everyone sleeps in here. She was right. The bunk was so comfy I didn’t surface until 7:30, and after waiting for a shower to pass if was finally 9am by the time I hit the road. Possibly my latest TA start ever!

Bye, Jo and Mike!

Also staying overnight was a fellow hiker Cassie. Her walking partner gave up just a day ago, so she’s worried about tackling the Tararuas solo. We decided to meet up at the base of the Tararuas in a few days time, and possibly head over together - there’s safely in numbers.

And bye, Cassie! But we may meet down the line…

Walking through Bulls, I got a sense that there’s not much here, apart from, um, bulls. And bull jokes. Oh yes, and traffic - Bulls is at the intersection of SH1 and SH3. It took me over 5 minutes to cross the road in town.

Where am I?

Very laugh-a-bull!

Good to know I’m going in the right direction!

Crossing the bridge over the Rangitīkei river 

Once I was out of town, today was an uneventful 23km plod along rural roads. I vaguely remember someone telling me last year that these first four days from Whanganui to Palmerston North probably involve the most road walking of the whole TA. And it’s true - road walking after a while is boring, and very hard on the feet. And the dance with oncoming traffic (ie. continually stepping off the road into the nonexistent verge) is not fun. I think that explains why I’ve seen very few TA hikers - I think many are taking a more direct route or even hitching to Palmerston North..

At least I have my music! In my mind that is. I think minor things trigger my song choices - for a long while I was humming ‘Samson’ by Regina Spector (best love song ever), which I think was triggered by the earlier road sign for Sanson. Then after I stopped for another Squirm I was left with ‘Jellybelly’ by the Smashing Pumpkins. Yes, I know, my mind works in strange ways. Eventually though I was just grumbling at my sore feet and at the oncoming cars.

10am pic: Yes, another bloody road

Stopping for a lunch break: a chicken roll at Mt Lees Reserve

My first glimpse of the Tararua Ranges… 😰

I was worried about my blister at first, but it had healed up somewhat overnight, and survived the day OK. I may have dodged a bullet there. However this road walking is taking its toll - it was only 23km today, but my sore feet had totally had enough by the time I finally staggered into Fielding at about 2:30pm.

My hosts today are trail angels Allison and John - keen artists and orchardists. They are kindly letting me camp for free on their lawn, and use the shower and facilities in their art studio. After a cup of tea, a chat and a tour of the studio, I set up my tent.

My home for tonight - sandwiched between an art studio, a garden and an orchard

Then in to town for a burger and beer at Murray’s Irish Bar!

OK, it’s been 3 days, I need a treat!

Back in my tent now, posting my blog. And already it’s 7:30pm. Night all, time for my beauty sleep!

Today’s route.


  1. Was wondering if you were going to do a bulk post, but then I refreshed the website and saw all the posts, you must have been thinking I wasn’t taking an interest, of course far from the truth. Talk tonight, you are doing well.

  2. Julie messaged me saying she was following your blog, but couldn’t log on, but will figure out how to, in the meantime they will be watching your progress. X

    1. All good Jules! I know accessing the comments has always been a bit problematic. PC seems slightly easier than mobiles I think. It’s also an android-based app which doesn’t exist on iphones, so I create the entries on safari and other iPhone users would have to access them through the phone browser too - which runs into cookie problems etc. never mind, I know you and Jel are following along!

  3. Hope you meet up with Cassie by the time you reach the Tararuas. It would be good to know that you had company when you negotiated the tough terrain. Let's hope the way is well signposted! Xx Mum and co

    1. It’s turned out she’s staying at the same place as me in Palmy, and we’ll at the same campsites all the way from here onwards. So yes, I’ll have company for the tough bits!

  4. Great to FaceTime last night, hope the next few days go well, and you will have some phone coverage over that period, otherwise will have to wait until Jan 8 as you suggested. Hope you have some sort of a New Year’s Eve. Love you heaps, and missing you, but comforted by the fact that all is going well, apart from that hopefully minor blister issue. XXX
