Sunday, January 2, 2022

Day 37: Ngaruawahia to Hamilton (21km, 5 hours)

A straightforward day today, no need for navigation - just follow the Te Awa cycleway all the way to central Hamilton. I packed up the tent, and after detouring to a bakery to get some sandwiches, I was off at 7:30am.

The cycleway follows along the Waikato on the west side, crossing over briefly for a few kilometres before crossing back.

Back on the Te Awa cycleway

Crossing to the other side for a while

Amazing views down the Waikato

10am pic: the cycleway goes ever on…

I never get tired of the river views

Time for a snack 

Getting close to Hamilton 

I was making good progress, but the concrete cycleway was taking its toll on my feet after a while. And the weather was getting searingly hot - close to 30 degrees, we’re having a heat wave apparently! After 3 or 4 hours it was starting to feel like hard work. 

Finally, some welcome shade for a short while

I’m booked in for 2 nights at a backpackers lodge, just a brief detour off the cycleway near the Hamilton city centre. And by 12:30pm I was there. I managed to check in early and even had time for a shower before meeting up with Paul, who was passing through on his way back from Napier. My heels are getting increasingly stiff after hiking, and today’s 21km concrete walkway didn’t help, but I managed to hobble down Victoria St with Paul to find a place open for lunch.
My accommodation for the next two nights

Rendezvous with Paul - and Rocco too! 

Paul also dropped off a few things I’ll need for the road ahead - my little gas stove, some extra clothing, etc. thanks Paul! After waving them off back to Auckland, it was back to my room for a nap. The room is basic - no windows and thin walls, but a comfy bed, tv, fridge and toilet/shower. Later it was off to Countdown for provisions, and then back to my room to whip up dinner.

Dinner - Thai soup in the shared kitchen, catching the end of The Chase

Reaching Hamilton feels like a big milestone! It’s hard to believe I left Auckland 8 days, and have covered over 180km. Because I made faster-than-expected progress in the first 3 days out of Auckland, I am a day ahead of schedule too, so I’m very much looking forward to treating myself to a rest day tomorrow. Though it will be a fairly busy one - I need to do a lot of planning for the days ahead, and I have a list of things I need to do and buy. For tonight though, I’m going to put my feet up!

Today’s route


  1. Great effort, Simon. Enjoy your well deserved rest. Xx

  2. Happy New Year Hen! Great to talk to you today. Keep up the good walk (sic). Cheers

    1. And to you Shaun! Thanks for the call, I’ll see you and Tracey once I’m though this thing :)

  3. Darryl and I were in Hanmer Springs on this day and it was 29 degrees in the alpines. I can imagine the heat on a concrete pathway :(
