Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Day 39: Hamilton to Whatawhata (22km, 7 hours)

I set the alarm for 6:30am, to give me time to repack. I managed to squeeze everything in, but my pack is pretty heavy now. I was off at 8am.

Road walking through suburbs initially, it didn’t take long before I was out of Hamilton. The route headed towards the Taitua Arboretum, a large tree sanctuary with a maze of walkways. I wasn’t watching my TA app and overshot the turnoff to the arboretum by 500m, and had to backtrack.

Arriving at the Taitua Arboretum

10am pic: apple time, under a tree

After somehow emerging from the maze of paths in the arboretum, it was back on country roads for a short while. Until the road stopped, and the route crossed farmland, following a fence for several kilometres.

The road’s ended… oh, a sign!

I passed a deer farm, and frightened a little doe who was sleeping against the fence near me. She sprinted away in a fright - and Mum and Dad deer rushed over from the other side of the field to check on her, and lead her back. Very heart-warming!

More stiles 

Those hills will be Pirongia - I’ll be at the top of them two days from now 

Then it was back on the road for the last few kilometres to Whatawhata. I was there soon after midday. Just as well, it was 30 degrees, and I needed to put my feet up.

Maybe I’ll meet some one day!

There is nothing in Whatawhata apart from an intersection, a gas station and a bar. But appearances can be deceiving - the bar was lovely! Friendly, with a big garden area outside, and a lovely relaxed vibe. I could have stayed here all afternoon.

Stopping off at the Backyard Bar in Whatawhata to rehydrate

In the garden bar. What a lovely little oasis

I’d made very good time, so thought I’d squeeze in a few more kilometres before Julie picked me up later in the afternoon. A short distance from Whatawhata a teeny orange arrow pointed the way behind a little church, to a rough pathway that follows the Waipa river across more farmland.

Can you see the sign? Me neither (actually it is there, way in the distance on the left)

More overgrown tracks 

Following the Waipa river

It’s getting hot!

Some shade too. 

4km later, I’d had enough - the trail crossed back onto the road, and it was time to phone Jules. Their place in Ohaupo is only 15 minutes away, so before I knew it I was there. 

Its been ages since I caught up with Jules and Jel - it was so lovely to see you both again!  Thanks so much for picking me up, and for the lovely dinner, the beers, the bed, and the conversation.

Me, Jel and Jules.

Today’s route. I finished walking at the 795km marker - the blue dot is Julie and Jel’s place.

PS: I may have to conserve phone batteries for the next 4 days through to Waitomo, so my next few posts will initially just be brief entries to let everyone know where I am. Once in Waitomo I’ll flesh them out properly. 


  1. Nice to catch up with Jules & Jel, have a rest in a nice comfy bed, some home cooked meals. Look like the hot temps will continue for a couple more days, then some cooler weather. Take care and be in touch when you have cell coverage. XXX

  2. Haere ra Simon! Travel well. Great to see you.

    1. Thanks guys, it was really lovely to catch up - it’s been too long!

  3. Another good journey. Looks a machete would come in useful and help future trail blazers :)
