Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Day 2: Twilight Beach to Maunganui Bluff (28km, 8.5 hours)

I didn't go back to sleep after waking up at 3am this morning, so I decided to get an early start. I packed up the tent, ate a One Square Meal bar (OSM), and was off at 5am. I had to use my headlamp for the first 30 minutes. 

My right shin is still clearly a problem and I had to avoid working it too much, so my left leg was doing more of the work today. Also, poles really help take the load off. But I was able to make reasonable progress, at a semi-limp. The trail was an old quad bike track that left the beach for 5km to cross around Scott's Point, before going down a lot of steps to the start of 90 Mile Beach. 

Looking down at 90 Mile Beach. I need to get to the other end!

My first steps on 90 Mile Beach.

Looking back.

I was trying to make good progress before high tide at 11:30am, to avoid having to walk in the sand dunes. So I kept forging on, without many breaks. The sand lower down the beach is pretty firm, which helps. I had to cross a few small streams - some I hopped over, one I got my left shoe wet, one I took my shoes off - a good excuse for a break on the other side.

Stopping for a snack. Mmmm, salami!
My 10am pic. A long way to go!

The weather was good. Clear and hot (apart from a welcome but brief cloudy spell), a little wind but not too much. Two cars passed by on the beach today. I expect there'll be more tomorrow. 

My poles, having a break. They’ve been working overtime today.

View to the left of me...

...and view to the right of me.

Walking on the sand is not strenuous per se, but it's gruelling and takes it's toll. A bit after 1pm I was at Maunganui Bluff - did we come here as kids digging for toheroas once? My feet were sore and my shin was getting more painful. Just as well this is where my campsite is for today - though it took a while to find it. I staggered in, set my tent up, and had a quick power nap. Clare turned up after a while, it's only us at the campsite I think tonight.

Just the two of us tonight.

All up, I am pretty pleased about today. I was quite worried about the beach walking, but I managed it ok - no blisters, some aches and pains but not major. Apart from my shin. I managed to walk 28km with it today, which is good - I wasn't sure it would hold up. But it's swollen now, and I have a long way to go. I've stood in a stream to cool it down, and I'll take some Nuramol tonight.

One of these legs is not like the other.
Dinner. Spag bol!

7:15pm: time for bed! Though I might peek out of my tent to watch the sunset if I'm still awake... 


  1. Great photos, great progress (8.5 hours!!). Nice work Simon. Keep keeping on, the beach stretch we hear can be pretty're off to an awesome start . -- (exhausted for you, Ohaupo).

    1. Thanks J&J! Off to bed here now, getting ready for another big day tomorrow xxx

  2. hehe, my friend, you're making great progress. We'd have bear tracks all over the beach, and it's not safe to go that distance without a gun. i hope your leg will be fine. I'm waiting for you to continue. (Sep).
