Friday, December 18, 2020

Day 4: Hukatere campsite to Ahipara (31km, 8 hours)

Off at 5:30am again this morning. I think I woke Clare up with my rustling trying to pack up in the dark - sorry Clare! 

My last beach sunrise.

Poor little eagle ray...

I felt pretty good to start, on the home stretch! So I made good time for the first 4 hours. 

There were about a dozen cars passing today. But still very few people, until I got close to Ahipara. In the three previous days, apart from Clare I’ve only seen a couple of fishermen on the beach. But there are signs I’m getting closer to civilisation now.

At the halfway mark. Who put a chair on the beach?

A fisherman drove by while I was sitting in it, and called out “great view!”

It was!

My 10am pic. Those hills in the distance are Ahipara - the end of the beach!

This is where I’ve come from. Cape Reinga seems a long way back.

I was doing good time, but started to struggle as I got close to Ahipara. My feet and shin were sore, and I was finally starting to notice discomfort in my left “uphill” hip. And while Ahipara looked tantalisingly close, it never seemed to get any closer!

Ahipara. Are we there yet?

I finally staggered off the beach at about 1pm. Goodbye 90 Mile Beach! 

I continued to stagger to the local YHA, about 1km away. I was expecting to camp, but they had 1 free room, so I snapped it up.

My cute cabin at the YHA. It even has a fridge and TV.

And then I collapsed on the bed for an hour and a half. I don’t think I could have walked another step!

Later, after a shower and a meal at the local takeaways, I was starting to feel almost human again. 

A healthy dinner 😁. The burger was average, the chips were amazing!

Well, I think the last 4 days have gone pretty well, all things considered. No blisters; good walking weather; my fitness held up well; aches and pains, but no more than expected. The only downer was my swollen shin - but I made it 100km down the beach despite it. I just hope it holds up for the next sections of the Te Araroa.

Tomorrow will be road walking back to Kaitaia - only 15km. Until then - goodbye 90 Mile Beach! You’ve been tough, but you taught me a lot.

My final pic looking back up 90 Mile Beach


  1. Great effort, Simon. A big milestone reached today. Well done. Dad

    1. Thanks Dad. A big relief. Now on to the next one...

  2. So proud of my man. Go well and look forward to talking to you while you have cell coverage. Rocco is missing you. Xxx

  3. It was wonderful, miles of sand behind you, you must have a fighting spirit!(Sep)

    1. Thanks Sep. Though I’m very glad there were no bears 😁
